Our Wines

PLEASE NOTE: We ship via Canada Post. Canada Post is CURRENTLY SHIPPING. In the event that Canada Post is back on strike, please CONTACT US regarding order placement.
Our wines are shipped in cases of either 6 or 12 bottles, so please order in increments of 6. They do NOT have to be all the same product! You may select a variety of wines for your case(s). See our FAQ page for more information.
Our Wines Help
You clicked on the question mark icon to get here To close this window, click on the ‘X’ in the upper right hand corner, or simply click outside of the area of this pop-up. That should take you back to “Our Wines“.
This pop-up will help you to buy wines from our shopping page called “Our Wines”.
You might have noticed when you are on the “Our Wines” page, the wine glass at the very top of the page, just left of the ‘hamburger” menu icon, is filled with red wine! That tells you that you are on the “Our Wines” page.
Next to the question mark icon that took you to this help pop-up, there is a heart icon to the right. Clicking that takes you to your wish list.
Let’s talk about how you can add wines to your wish list.
If you hover your mouse cursor over one of the bottles of wine, you will see two buttons pop up. The left one says “Cart” and the right one says “Wishlist”. You can add wines to your wishlist by clicking on the right ‘wishlist” button. Similarly add wines to your shopping cart by clicking on the “cart” button.
Single tap over a wine bottle image – this will bring the “Add to Cart” and “Add to Wishlist” buttons up.
Double tap over a wine bottle image will take you to that specific wine product page.
Again, you access your wish list by clicking on the heart icon that is above the list of wines, in the black bar. The heart turns red (on a desktop computer) when you hover over it.
To go to your shopping cart, either use the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner of the website, or click the shopping cart icon which is to the left of the wine glass in the top menu. When you are on the shopping cart page, the shopping icon should be green.
The search tool allows you to find specific products. If you type “pino” for example, you should see a Pinot Noir, a Pinot Noir Rosé and a Pinot Gris show up in the list. Click on whichever one you are interested in and it will take you to that product’s page.
The mini-cart is the black shopping cart icon above the search tool. The number above it tells you how many wines are in your cart. Clicking on the icon brings up the mini-cart as a pop-up and shows you your list of products in your cart as well as your sub-total cost. There are two buttons there too, one that will take you to your shopping cart page, and one that will take you directly to the checkout page.
Note: If you find the mini-cart content is ‘stuck’ behind the Search tool, simply refresh your website page and try again. That should clear this.
Finally, there is the filter tool which allows you to select red wines only, white wines only, etc. Clicking “unique” for example, will pull up our Portage, our Dandelion wine and a few others.